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Other Resources

Australian Red Cross

Australian Red Cross

The Australian Red Cross provides a number of services that are relevant to people with cancer.
Medical transport can be arranged for eligible people. Contact Red Cross Mount Gambier on 8725 3622.
Daily welfare checks can be arranged through the Red Cross Aged & Community Care team on 1300 885 698.

Gather My Crew

Gather My Crew

The Gather My Crew app is free to download Australia-wide and can be used to ask for, and provide, meaningful support.
The person wanting help, or someone on their behalf, creates a network on the app and then invites people to join and become their support crew.
You then enter the tasks you want help with and the crew accept which tasks they can do.
The app has also chat functions so you can keep your crew in the loop.

Lymphoedema Garment Subsidy

Lymphoedema Garment Subsidy

Medical grade compression garments help people who have lymphoedema to manage their condition and to reduce the development of associated complications.

Patient Assistance Transport Scheme

Patient Assistance Transport Scheme

Through the Patient Assistance Transport Scheme (PATS), subsidies are provided to assist South Australians who are required to travel more than 100km each way to access necessary and approved medical specialist services that are not available locally.

Pinc and Steel Australia

Pinc and Steel Australia

Helping people affected by cancer through physical rehabilitation

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